Holiday and New Year's Greetings by our Authors, Contributors and Guest Speakers from around the world in Luxembourgish, French, Egyptian, Yoruba, Italian, Turkish, Danish, Dutch, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, German, Bengali, and Latin. (hover over text for white background)
Doctoral Researcher in Complex Systems – University of Luxembourg /Collège des Ingénieurs Torino
“E che il più bel dono sia la capacità di domandare” (Italian)
“My heartfelt Christmas greetings to all: to whom believes and to those who don’t. As a gift is in the hands of the donor.”
“E ku odun, e ku iyedun.” (Yoruba)
“Fijne kerst allemaal!” (Dutch)
Principal Lecturer in Commercial Law/Anti-Corruption/Compliance – The Hague University of Applied Siences
“Peace, Light,Joy this Season good friends.”
Kind wishes,
Abiola Makinwa
Vi står foran skæbnesvangre udfordringer når det angår borgeres civile rettigheder, over alt i verden. Dataprivacy er en menneskeret. Folk i alle sektorer er nødt til at forstå at dataprivacy og udvikling af sektorer ikke er en modsætning.
Vores største opgave i 2022 er at få jurister til at forstå at Privacy by design / by default ikke kun er en etisk forpligtelse, og en juridisk konstruktion, men et fundamentalt krav om teknisk implementering i alle sammenhænge.
-Ønsker alle en dejlig juleferie og et lykkebringende nyt år 2022 (Danish)
We face fateful challenges when it comes to citizens’ civil rights, all over the world. Data privacy is a human right. People in all sectors need to understand that data privacy and sector development are not an opposite.
Our biggest task in 2022 is to make lawyers understand that Privacy by design / by default is not only an ethical obligation, or a legal framework, but a fundamental requirement for technical implementation in all contexts.
-Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas break, and a joyous & prosperous new year 2022
Information security | Dataprotection | GDPR | ePrivacy | Operationel compliance | Risk analysis
Doctoral Researcher in Bioinformatics at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
Piyali MITRA
Author Of The Heart and Soul – A Mellifluous Whisper
Member of Royal Institute of Philosophy, PhD Scholar
নতুন বছর, নতুন আশা
নতুন শক্তি, নতুন আলোয়
জীবন উত্তাপ, জীবন হোক
সবার সমৃদ্ধি, বাধো সুখের
বাসা, আগামী দিন শুভেচ্ছায়
পূর্ণ হোক
হ্যাপি নিউ ইয়ার
অনেক শুভেচ্ছা জানাই ডঃ কাটজা এবং তাঁর সহকর্মীবৃন্দদের এবং হাউজ অব এথ্যিক্সকে ভালোবাসা জানিয়ে পিয়ালী
May the New Year bring new hope, renewed power. May the new sunshine rejuvenate life and fill your new days with prosperity. Wishing you a Happy New Year! May the new year be prosperous and be filled with good fortune.
Wishing the best to Katja and her team and success to the House of Ethics.
With love from Piyali
Tiphaine BOURVIC
Consultante en aéronautique et logistique
” The righteous is the most beautiful; health, the better;
Getting what you love is the sweetest in the heart. “
(Inscription at Delos, ARISTOTLE, Ethics at Nicomac)
Very beautiful and joyful Season’s Holiday to all. May 2022 be sweeter than 2021.
I wish you happiness, luck and prosperity in the new year 2022!
Yeni yilda mutluluk, sans ve zenginlikler seninle olsun 2022! (Turkish)
Freelance Digital Arts Curator
Director of the American Association for Investigative Pathology and passionate AI Ethicist striving for ethical, equitable, and accessible AI for all
Chhavi’s greetings first in Hindi, then Gujarati, and last Punjabi.
Wishing you all a joyous and hopeful New Year!
Head of Logistics Projets in Organisation & Methods France
“En cette période de Noël, je souhaiterais faire vœu de simplicité pour l’année à venir. Nos sociétés sont marquées par une succession de règles, processus et outils de moins en moins intelligibles. La simplicité du détail ne doit plus primer sur le global, laissant le premier travestir le second. Cette simplicité doit pour autant refléter la vérité sans la réduire de manière outrancière. L’enjeu est bien sûr démocratique, mais impacte également la performance de nos organisations et la confiance que nous leur accordons.
En 2022, efforçons nous d’être simple et d’être vrais. “
“During this Christmas period, I would like to express a wish towards simplicity for the year to come. Our companies are brandmarked by a succession of rules, processes and tools that are less and less intelligible. Simplicity of detail should no longer take precedence over the global, leading the former to disguise the latter. Simplicity must nevertheless reflect the truth without reducing it excessively. The stake is, of course, democratic, but also impacts the performance of our organizations and the confidence we place in them.
In 2022, let’s try to be simple and real. “
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Quelle année, encore, venons-nous de passer !
Je pense qu’il ne sera pas de trop, pour celle qui arrive, de nous souhaiter encore plus de santé, d’amour et de lien que ce qu’il est convenu de faire d’habitude.
Nous offrir aussi de belles capacités de résilience, et la force d’aller développer notre paix intérieur, pour vivre avec plus de douceur et de lâcher prise ces temps troublés et hors de notre commun.
Continuer à regarder en nous, pour voir mieux l’autre. Travailler notre intériorité, qui devient plus que jamais citoyenne, tant elle nous permet de maintenir les liens d’une société bien fragile aujourd’hui.
Mais hauts les cœurs ! 2022 sera l’année du renouveau, de l’espoir et de la joie. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’on peut en décider ainsi !
D’ailleurs, avez-vous choisi votre mot « totem » pour cette nouvelle année ?
Le mien sera « patience ». Et mon nouveau mantra : « Je ne mets mon énergie que là où elle est réciproquée ».
Merveilleuse année 2022 à vous, chères lectrices et chers lecteurs de House of Ethics !
See you on the other side !
Co-Fondatrice Self Love Project
Hello everyone,
What a year, again, have we just lived!
I believe it won’t be too much toa sk for the upcoming year to wish for more health, love and bonds than we usually do.
To grant us solid capacities of resilience, and the strength to develop our inner peace, to live more gently and to let go of these troubled and unusual times.
To continue to look inside ourselves, to better see the other one. To work on our interiority, which is becoming more citizen than ever, as it allows us to progressively more to maintain the bonds of our nowaday’s very fragile society.
But lift your spirits high! 2022 will be the year of renewal, hope and joy. Why ? Because we can decide it!
By the way, have you chosen your “totem” word for this new year?
Mine will be “patience”. And my new mantra: “I only put my energy where it is reciprocated”.
Happy new year 2022 to you, dear readers of House of Ethics!
See you on the other side!
Vill Freed, Zefriddenheet an e glécklecht Lachen fir ons Famill, Frenn a all déi nei Leit mat deenen mir de Présent a Zukunft deelen.
E schéint a gesond Neit Joer 2022 …an eng Paréck mat Geessenhoer! (Luxembourgish)
“Tons of Happiness, Contentment and joyful laughter for our family, friends and all the new acquaintances we will be sharing our new present and future with.
Happy Healthy New Year 2022! …And a wig of goathair (a very old and strange Luxembourgish saying still in use — smile)”
Founder House of Ethics
Annum | novum | faustum | felicem |
If nobody's wishing you a Happy New Year: Here's the Ultimate One from Ancient Saepinum!
Inscription on a lamp found in Sepino (cf. A. Di Niro, Il museo sannitico di Campobasso. Catalogo della collezione provinciale, Pescara 2007, 162)
A Good and Happy New Year to Myself