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Doctoral researcher in data science, bioinformatics and systems biology
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

My name is Ahmed Hemedan, I am a doctoral researcher at the bioinformatics core
unit, LCSB at Luxembourg University. The research of my work covers a broad
spectrum of applications of data science, bioinformatics and systems biology in the
life sciences. This includes the integration and interpretation of large omics datasets
to the Disease Maps aiming to translate them into novel medical insights.
Furthermore, I use the revolutionary advances in artificial intelligence to develop
machine learning-based paradigms to solve critical problems in medical research.
This resulted in a range of publications in peer-reviewed open access journals.
Additionally, I use and extend the principles of the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) to make the research outcomes more personalized and FAIR.
I am advocating ethical approaches with all its facets (data, publications, source
code of research software, etc) and I am active in communities promoting and
implementing this for example The Carpentries community.
As a certified carpenters instructor, I try to empower biological researchers and
librarians by teaching coding skills to work more efficiently and effectively with data,
information and knowledge.
Contacts and links :
 Simply, send me a friendly email or If needed use my PGP key to encrypt the message. Find more crypto-goodness on keybase.
ORCID identifier: 0000-0001-7403-181X further information/statistics regarding my publications can also be found on my Google Scholar.

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